Adam Arteaga was hired by Community ISD on January 22, 2025 as the new head football coach of Community High School.
The CISD Board of Trustees has approved the 2025-26 calendar!
Submit your nomination for the new ag barn name!
This year, we're re-committing to Community ISD's core identity. Will you join us on this journey?
Missed a story from around Community ISD?
Welcome to Edge Middle School
Edge Middle school was officially established as a separate campus at the beginning of 1983-84 school year. EMS moved into its current building at the start of the 2021-22 academic campaign.
News & Events
There's always something happening in Brave Nation. Check here often for a complete listing of CISD and campus event, plus news and announcements about our students and staff!
Latest News
The Brave of the Week for August 19-23 is Mrs. Maygan Wall of NeSmith Elementary!
Here's a recap of what happened at the regular monthly meeting of the CISD Board of Trustees in August.
- 2024
- Braves
- Homecoming
The Brave of the Week for August 12-16, 2024 is ... Mrs. McDorman at CTMS!
- Brag on a Brave
- McDorman
- Causey
- Edge
- B2SB
- Bash
- Meet the Braves
- Boyd
- Coleman
- Romo
On Monday, June 24, 2024, the CISD Board of Trustees, by unanimous vote, approved the promotion of Mrs. Megan Fine to the role of Director of Financial Services.
We're proud to report that the Community ISD communications department earned a pair of honors from the National School Public Relations Association.
Kindergarten Cops Academy, which stars Chief Morrison and some of our awesome students, won an Award of Excellence.
In addition, our 2023-24 academic calendar earned an Award of Merit.
Both will be presented during NSPRA's national seminar in Seattle July 13-17.
- Communications
With the 2024-25 school year quickly approaching, Community ISD wanted to make sure that our parents/guardians, students, and staff are aware of a couple of changes in campus leadership. Starting on July 1, 2024, Mr. Robert Goff will become the principal of Community High School, and Mr. Carl Frietze will become the principal of Edge Middle School.
- Carl Frietze
- Edge
- Robert Goff
12 Community Independent School District staff members recently completed a 70-hour course to become certified as Emergency Medical Responders
Jessica Foster and Josh Saenz elected in May 2024 vote.
At the regular monthly board meeting on Monday, May 20, the Community ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved four new administrators for the 2024-25 school year.
This event will highlight students that are moving forward with a commitment to a college, workforce, military branch, and/or technical college! We are so excited to celebrate these students that are taking the next steps in their journeys!
- 2024
- Day
- Decision
Mrs. Elizabeth McDorman was unanimously approved by the Community ISD Board of Trustees as the Associate Principal of Community Trails Middle School at regular monthly board meeting on April 15, 2024.
- 2024-25
- McDorman
Registration for Kindergarten through 12th grade students for the 2024-25 school year is now open!
- Enrollment
- Registration
Community ISD invites parents/guardians, grandparents, and all other adult stakeholders of the district to become involved by volunteering their time on our campuses.
- April
- Volunteer
On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, Texas A&M University-Commerce recognized 21 new Alumni Ambassadors at the 2024 Alumni Ambassador Forum
- Willingham
On Monday, March 25, 2024, the Community ISD Board of Trustees officially approved the contracts of CISD district and campus administrators for the 2024-25 school year.
- Ellis
- NeSmith
Welcome to your first step as a potential new member of Brave Nation!
- 2024-25
- job fair
Congratulations to Dr. Amber Hope, who was approved as the first principal of Community Trails Middle School at the February 19, 2024 meeting of the CISD Board of Trustees.
- CISD Board
- Hope
- 2024-25
- Map
- attendance
- zoning
2024 Dazzlin' Dames officers feature African-American line for the first time.
- Dames
Love The Bus Month is celebrated every February and is dedicated to the influence of the school bus in American school culture.
- Bus
- February
February is Black History Month! This year Community ISD will once again be featuring student artwork on social media and highlighting African-Americans that had major impacts on Brave Nation, and of course one of our favorite traditions returns: our Black History Month Celebration events!
- Black History Month
- February
February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.
- February
- Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
- 2024-25
- Board of Trustees
- calendar
- 2023-24
- Band
- Croy
- Hale
Dr. Ryan is the 2023-24 TASSP High School Principal of the Year!
Community ISD is proud to announce that Dr. Charles Ryan, Principal of Community High School, has advanced to the Finalist round of the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP) High School Principal of the Year award.
Julie Sands, Chief of Construction and Design for Community ISD, provides an update on the state of the 2022 bond.
We value your input as a Community ISD stakeholder and we would like to get your feedback regarding our District calendar for next school year.
Community Independent School District officials announced that the district received a rating of “A” for “Superior Achievement” under Texas Schools' Financial Accountability Rating System of Texas. The Superior Achievement rating is the state’s highest, demonstrating the quality of Community ISD’s financial management and reporting system.
Texas law now requires school districts to distribute information to parents and guardians about the safe storage of firearms. This information will help you learn about options for, as well as how to talk to your child and others about, the safe storage of firearms.
Our CISD Theater program returns to the stage in September for their second annual fall musical! This season our amazing Braves will be performing “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”!
Charles “Chuck” Ryan was named a Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP) 2023-24 Regional Outstanding High School Principal of the Year.
- Charles
- Chuck
- Principal of the Year
- Ryan
After considerable improvements and upgrades to the walk paths in South Bear Creek at Grand Heritage, Traditions at Grand Heritage, and Crestridge Meadows, these neighborhoods are now considered safe to walk by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), and have been approved as a walk zone for NeSmith Elementary by the Community ISD Board of Trustees.
Heaven Jarvis, who just graduated from CHS in May 2023, will be receiving her FFA Lonestar Degree during the 95th FFA State Convention on Wednesday, July 12.
Community Independent School District earned the National School Public Relations Association Award of Excellence for its 75th-anniversary logo in the branding and image package category.
Mrs. Marci Kinch was approved as the new NeSmith president by the Board on May 15, 2023.
- Kinch
- Marci
- Marci Kinch
- NeSmith
Ron Burnham is the new CISD Athletic Director! Read more about him here!
Community Independent School District officials announced that the district received a rating of “A” for “Superior Achievement” under Texas’ Schools FIRST financial accountability rating system.
We are very happy to announce that our annual Thanksgiving meals will return this year!
CHS named a Blue Ribbon Beacon School!
- Beacon
- Blue Ribbon
- Chuck Ryan
With safety and security at the forefront of our minds, Community ISD will begin hosting security summits on campuses on October 5.
TxDOT is hosting a public meeting concerning FM 6 expansion on October 20 at CHS.
Read a summary of what happened in the September 2022 regular board meeting here.
- board
- minutes
- trustees
The CISD Board, by unanimous vote, approved the hiring of Keith Medlin, the former Transportation Director, as the new Director of Transportation for Community ISD.
- Medlin
- Transportation
Mr. Fenton was named the CISD Director of Technology on Monday, Sept. 19, 2022 by a unanimous CISD Board vote.
- Fenton
- Russ
- Technology
Congratulations and welcome to Mr. Carter Scroggins, the 4,000th student enrolled at Community ISD so far this year! Carter is a McClendon 2nd grader from Wylie ISD.
- 4000
- Carter
- Fast Growth
- McClendon
- Scroggins
Congratulations to these CHS students on their outstanding performances! They each had a GPA of 3.5 or higher and excelled on the PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 10, or earned a score of 3 or higher on two or more AP exams.
- Abel
- Buchanan
- College Board
- Fonseca
- McCuistion
- Roddy
Safety and Security are the #1 priority of Community ISD. Read more about our security plans here.
- Brave Nation
- First Day
- safety
- security
Find a summary of the August 15, 2022 CISD Board meeting here!
Mr. Glossen was approved by the CISD Board of Trustees as an assistant principal at CHS, joining CHS principal Chuck Ryan, Assoc. Principal Dabney Eiland, and APs Carl Frietze and Courtney Croy.
Mr. Roderick King was approved by the CISD Board of Trustees as the new assistant principal of NeSmith Elementary School, joining Ms. Stacey Kluttz (principal) and Mrs. Meagan Heath (assistant principal).
The CISD Board of Trustees held their monthly regular meeting on July 18, 2022. Linked here is a summary of that meeting.
Online registration and enrollment is now live!
Please remember that ALL Community ISD students, new and returning, MUST complete the registration/enrollment process EVERY year.
Mr. Cody Gibson was approved as the principal of McClendon Elementary School by the CISD Board of Trustees on June 27, 2022.
- Cody Gibson
- Gibson
- McClendon Elementary
Alicia Bakir has been named the Texas Association of Pupil Transportation (TAPT) Regular Education Driver of the Year!
- District Administration
- Staff Awards
- Transportation
On Friday, May 20th, Dr. Tonya Knowlton met with current campus PTO Presidents, Brooke Miller, (MES PTO), Holly Ng (NES PTO), and Kristie Nix (EMS PTO) and the creation of Community ISD Council of PTOs was formed.
- Edge Middle School
- McClendon Elementary
- NeSmith Elementary
The World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth announced that Community High School's Hudson Thomas, and 19 other students, were selected for this year’s “20 Under 20” class.
- Class of 2022
The full combined results from the May 2022 Bond Election.
The Community ISD Board of Trustees, by unanimous vote, approved the 2022-23 CISD Elementary Attendance Zones. Find a larger map in the story!
- Attendance Zones
- Map
On Monday, May 16, the CISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved the hiring of Mr. Ron Crawford as the assistant principal of Roderick Elementary School.
- Board Meeting
- CISD Board of Trustees
- Roderick Elementary
- Ron Crawford
On Monday, May 16, the CISD Board of Trustees approved the hiring of Mrs. Margarita Solis as assistant principal of McClendon Elementary School.
- Board Meeting
- CISD Board of Trustees
- McClendon Elementary
- Solis
On Monday, May 16, 2022, Community ISD's Board of Trustees unanimously approved the hiring of Mr. Robert Goff as the new Principal of Leland Edge Middle School.
- Board Meeting
- Edge
- Goff
On Monday, May 2, 2022, Community ISD's Board of Trustees unanimously approved the hiring of Melanie Cottongame as the Director of Student Accounting and Compliance for Brave Nation, effective July 1, 2022.
- Compliance
- Cottongame
- District Administration
- McClendon Elementary
- Melanie Cottongame
- Student Accounting
Congratulations to the Class of 2022 Top 10 Percent! These seniors have achieved so much academically, finishing with the highest grade point averages (GPAs) in this year's class.
- Class of 2022
Upcoming Events
Follow Us on Social Media
Follow @CommunityISD and our campuses on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube! Athletics and news are broadcast on the Community Braves Network!
At a Glance
There is so much to know about Brave Nation, but here are some key resources that can help new and returning Braves succeed!
Click here for information on the CISD Fine Arts programs including band, choir, art, and theater!
Click here for information on the Braves and Lady Braves Athletic Programs!
The Community Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors made up of respected local business and community leaders, which shares a vision to enhance education in the Community Independent School District.
Canvas is our student learning system. Click here to login and check grades, submit assignments, or talk with your teachers.
Skyward is Community ISD's Student Information System (SIS). Click here if you have previously registered or enrolled your student.